Wednesday, April 29

My First Rose of Spring :)

Each rose that comes brings me greetings
from the rose of an eternal spring! -Rabindranath Tagore

Here she is! My first Rose of Spring! It is an Antique English rose and she has several friends growing along side her. A beautiful yellow one and several pink. Each of my beds has blooms in it and there are hundreds of buds ready to burst forth! I absolutely cannot wait. I have my vases all washed and ready to hold them!

We are leaving for Vegas on Monday for a week and I am sad that many will burst forth while I am away. Bob will be here until Friday, so if they do open he can be reminded of my love for him and my missing him!!

Maybe the warmth of this day will encourage the buds to begin opening. We have had very cold nights with ice on the car windows for the past several mornings. I think all of my rose babies are saying HEY what the heck???
And now that it is getting warmer they may want to come out and show their full beauty. So I will for sure post more pictures of them as they reveal themselves :) So you can enjoy one of God's greatest gifts to us...ROSES!!

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